

Diagnostic analysis of weakeness for Fengning ancient pine ‘Jiulong pine’

  • 摘要: 丰宁古油松Pinus tabuliformis Carrière俗称丰宁九龙松,栽植于北宋中期,距今已有近1 000年历史。近年来,丰宁九龙松枝条萌生能力变弱,萌发新枝量减少,出现衰弱现象。为科学分析丰宁九龙松长势衰弱的原因,利用应力波木材检测仪、根系探地雷达等仪器,对其主干空腐情况、枝皮损伤情况、主要根系分布区域进行了检测,并利用土壤剖面法等调查了根系分布状况和生长状态,同时对根系分布区土壤取样进行了理化性质分析。结果表明:丰宁九龙松主干倾斜度高,且空腐程度较重,截面最大空腐率达到44%;主干和主枝损伤修复处再次开裂;直径2 cm以上根系主要分布在树冠垂直投影范围内;生境土壤容重偏高,主要营养元素含量均偏低。生境土壤偏碱性、容重偏高、营养元素缺乏是造成树势衰弱的主要原因。


    Abstract: The Fengning ancient pine (Pinus tabuliformis Carrière) which commonly known as Fengning Jiulong pine was planted in the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty and has a history of nearly 1000 years. In recent years, the sprouting ability of branches has weakened, and the amount of shoots has decreased, indicating weakness of the tree. To analyze the reasons for the weakness of Fengning Jiulong pines, instruments such as stress wave wood detector and root ground penetrating radar were used to detect the main trunk empty decaying, branch bark damage, and main root distribution areas. The distribution and growth status of the root system were detected using soil profiling methods, and the main physical and chemical properties of the soil in the root distribution area were tested in the laboratory. The results showed that the main trunks of Fengning Jiulong pine were inclined, with a heavy degree of hollow rot, and the maximum hollow rot rate in the section reached 44%. Some repaired spots on trunk and main branches cracked again; Roots with diameter of 2 cm or more are mainly distributed within the vertical projection range of the tree crown. The soil bulk density in the habitat is relatively high, and the content of major nutrients is low. The alkaline soil, high bulk density, and lack of nutrients in the habitat are the main reasons for the decline of tree vigor.


