

Variation patterns of tree longevity in various taxa

  • 摘要: 作为“绿色的国宝”和“有生命的文物”,古树的寿命有多长,不同分类地位的树种个体寿命差异有多大,目前尚不清楚。针对这些问题,笔者收集全球树木年轮数据,整理出44科108属390种树木的寿命数据集。结果显示,裸子植物寿命64~4 900 a,平均788 a;木本被子植物寿命40~4 021 a,平均537 a。树木寿命可分为四级:Ⅰ级,寿命特长,≥1 000 a;Ⅱ级,寿命长,500~999 a;Ⅲ级,寿命中等,100~499 a;Ⅳ级,寿命短,<100 a。不同分类地位的树木个体寿命呈现明显的差异。裸子植物寿命最长的10个属为松属Pinus L.(4 900 a)、柏木属Cupressus L. (4 021 a)、红豆杉属Taxus L. (4 021 a)、智利乔柏属Fitzroya Hook. f. ex Lindl.(3 622 a)、扁柏属Chamaecyparis Spach( 3 500 a)、巨杉属Sequoiadendron J. Buchholz(3 266 a)、柳杉属Cryptomeria D. Don(3 021 a)、刺柏属Juniperus L.( 2 868 a)、落羽杉属Taxodium Rich.(2 624 a)和北美红杉属Sequoia Endl. (2 220 a)。被子植物寿命最长的10个属为木犀榄属Olea L.(4 021 a)、翅玉蕊属Cariniana Casar.(3 021 a)、栗属Castanea Mill.(3 021 a)、榕属Ficus L.(2 217 a)、猴面包树属Adansonia L.(2 071 a)、悬铃木属Platanus L.(2 071 a)、樟属Cinnamomum Fabr.(1 971 a)、连香树属Cercidiphyllum Siebold & Zucc.(1 971 a)、李属Prunus L.(1 921 a)和栎属Quercus L.(1 721 a)。文中整理的树木个体寿命数据将为研究树木衰老过程、长寿机理和开发保护技术提供参考。


    Abstract: Old trees were regarded as “green national treasures” and “living cultural relics”. How long does the longevity of old trees last? What is the difference in longevity among tree species of different taxonomic positions? These issues are currently unclear. In response to these issues, the authors collected global tree ring data and sorted out the longevity of 390 tree species in 108 genera from 44 families. Among these taxa, the longevity range of gymnosperms is 64−4 900 years, with an average of 788 years. The longevity range of angiosperm trees is 40−4 021 years, with an average of 537 years. The longevity of trees in seed plants can be divided into four levels. Level Ⅰ, exceptionally long longevity, ≥1 000 years. Level Ⅱ, long longevity, 500−999 years. Level Ⅲ, medium longevity, 100~499 years. Level Ⅳ, short longevity, <100 years. The longevity of seed plants shows evident taxonomic differences, with the top 10 genera of gymnosperms having the longest longevity being Pinus L.(4 900 years), Cupressus L.(4 021 years), Taxus L.(4 021 years), Fitzroya Hook. f. ex Lindl.(3 622years), Chamaecyparis Spach(3 500 years), Sequoiadendron J. Buchholz(3 266 years), Cryptomeria D. Don(3 021 years), Juniperus L.(2 868 years), Taxodium Rich.(2 624years) and Sequoia Endl.(2 220 years). The top 10 genera of angiosperms with the longest lifespan are Olea L.(4 021 years), Cariniana Casar.(3 021 years), Castanea Mill.(3 021 years), Ficus L.(2 217 years), Adansonia L.(2 071 years), Platanus L.(2 071 years), Cinnamomum Fabr.(1 971 years), Cercidiphyllum Siebold & Zucc.(1 971 years), Prunus L.(1 921 years) and Quercus L.(1 721 years). The data edited in this article will provide references for the study on tree aging process, longevity mechanism, and protection technology.


